Living By Design

Living life according to your Human Design

One of the biggest discoveries I made in 2023 was Human Design.

In all fairness, I’d actually discovered it a few years ago, but it never really clicked.

My best friend found it last year and reintroduced me to it.

To say that it has been life changing is an understatement.

Getting back into Human Design was one of the best decisions I’ve made.

It allowed me to set better boundaries, achieve more success, and to live a happier life.

When reviewing my 2023, I realized that the advancements I’ve made in my life have all centered around my design.

My best friend made the same comment about his own life.

Human Design has given us the permission to be ourselves. 100% authentic.

It’s also given us compassion for the people around us.

My relationship with my partner and my employees have grown after knowing all of our designs.

Even my relationship with my best friend has blossomed to new heights.

Just yesterday we were discussing how Human Design has brought us closer together.

Issues that we had early on have vanished because we both understand our designs better.

The Human Design Map

One of the biggest jumps came from purchasing a Human Design Map from Christie Inge.

The insights she shares in the map are constantly helping me to evolve into a better version myself.

Let alone the consistent emails and the amount of help available in the portal… Let’s just say it’s a lot.

This is completely unsponsored, I’m just a really happy customer! 😅

I already had a basic understanding of my chart before getting this reading.

And she took that to an even deeper level.

Strategy & Authority

So how exactly did Human Design help make my year so great?

The first thing I started doing was acting within my Strategy and Authority (I like to call this S&A for short).

What does that mean?

Your strategy is how you interact with your environment.

As a Generator, I’m designed to “wait & respond”.

The nice thing about Human Design is that there are only a few strict rules and everything else is pretty flexible.

Waiting and responding looks different for me than it does for another generator.

Determining what “responding” looks like is part of the journey.

When you review your chart, it will tell you your type and that is how you determine your strategy.

Generators are about 80% of the current population, so most likely, you’ll need to learn how to wait and respond.

Your Authority is how you make decisions.

I’m a Sacral Generator, so I respond with a gut reaction of “YES/NO/MAYBE”

There is Emotional Authority, Splenic Authority, Mental Authority, and more.

Each one has different pros and cons.

Making decisions with my authority has helped me to be fully authentic and in many cases, radically candid with the people around me.

I was born a people pleaser, and even when I would get a “NO”, I would say yes because I wanted to avoid conflict.

With Human Design, I began to trust my authority and say no when I really meant no.

This allowed me more time and energy to fully commit to the things I wanted to say yes to!

Trusting Your Type

Along with your S&A, you’ll see your Type on your chart.

Your type can tell you a whole bunch of basics about yourself.

The primary thing being about your energy cycles.

When my friend and I started our HD journey, he was trying to keep up with my high amounts of energy.

As a Generator, I’m designed like a standard car.

We have a fuel tank that fills up in the morning, we use during the day, and it runs out at night.

My best friend is a Projector. They’re designed more like a drone.

They work in short bursts and can see really high level things, and then they need to recharge.

Can we switch roles? Of course! That’s the beauty of Human Design, you always have free will.

But with Human Design, living by your type just makes life easier.

I’m at my best with sustained energy seeing a project through.

He’s at his best working in short bursts to help me find my way and then resting.

Which brings me to my favorite part of Human Design…

Working Together

My favorite part of Human Design is that we are all created to work together.

Every person is 100% unique in their expression and design.

Every person has their own special gifts and skills to bring to the table.

When we team up with others, we create magic.

This applies to every design Type, Strategy, and Authority.

Every person has a role to play in the great big movie that is life.

No part is bigger or better than the rest. You need each one to make everything go.

I don’t normally do sports analogies, but the idea of a football team comes to mind. 🏈

If you had a whole team of quarterbacks, the team wouldn’t do very well.

You need a few quarterbacks, a lot of linemen, some receivers, and some tight ends.

And that’s not even accounting for the special teams and the defense!

Just like a football team, life has created us all with different designs.

One of the biggest boosts comes from creating your own team and finding a way to get yourselves to the Super Bowl.

I have countless examples of the synergy that is created when my best friend and I work together according to our Types.

Permission To Be Yourself

The greatest gift that Human Design gave me was permission to be myself.

The more I learn, the more I see myself even clearer than before.

It’s been at an even deeper level than just astrology alone.

Each part of Human Design has added to the collection of puzzle pieces that make up my psyche.

It’s given me compassion for others, and most importantly, for myself.

If you’re looking for a new tool to help take your year to the next level, I highly recommend Human Design.

If you’re in the Phoenix area and looking for a group of people to practice living by design with, check out our Meetup group - “Living By Design”.

Bring your questions, experiences, authenticity, and open-minded-ness.

I hope to see you there!

Recommended reading or purchase:

Free Chart by Jovian Archive

Detailed Charts by Genetic Matrix (Paid)

Human Design Map from Christie Inge