The Reiki Box

An easy way to support your daily Reiki practice

One way that I make time to practice Reiki every day is using my Reiki Box.

I’ll be honest and admit that I was resistant to it at first.

I read about it pretty early on but never thought it was for me.

Then one day (when I was desperate for some manifestation help), I finally tried it out and I’ve never looked back.

Simply put, a Reiki Box is a place you put things that you want to send Reiki to.

That’s it. ✨

It’s really that easy!

I started my Reiki Box because I was struggling with money.

I was working 2 jobs, stressed, and willing to try anything.

I had never thought a Reiki Box was for me, but I figured why not try it now?

As luck would have it, I had a little box that said “Blessing Box” on it in my closet (from a previous shopping trip to Ross, of course).

It had been sitting in my closet for years, and when I opened it to see what was inside, I found $15, some aventurine, and a fortune that said, “Remember one month from this date. Good things are coming.”

I decided that it would be my Reiki Box moving forward.

I immediately put in some money affirmations, manifestations, and some money crystals.

Then each night before bed, I would place my hands on the box and send Reiki to it.

As can be the case with energy work, nothing happened right away, but I started to feel better, and that shift in vibration makes all the difference.

I wish I could say that I received $50,000 overnight, but it doesn’t always work that way.

My thoughts and vibrations about money began to shift and so I began to receive more money, little by little.

Ever since that night, I’ve been using my Reiki Box.

I’ve decorated it with symbols that I like, Reiki and otherwise.

“What's in the box?!”

So what goes into a Reiki Box?

It’s the same answer as “what can you Reiki?” 😅

You’re only limited by your imagination.

The options are endless and I’ve included some of my favorites here.

  • Crystals - This was an easy one. I keep a handful of crystals in my Reiki Box that are important to me and my energy. Citrine, amethyst, and aventurine just to name a few. The energy of the Reiki Box keeps them powered up and their energy humming through my life.

  • Affirmations - Especially on things that I’m currently working on. I write them on a little piece of paper and put them in the box. 

    • When it comes to specific affirmations, I love to use almost anything from Louise Hay. A few that are always in my box (and in my mind):

      • “All is well.”

      • “Everything is working out for my highest good.”

      • “Out of this situation only good will come.”

      • “I am safe.”

  • Manifestations - I also write things that I’m manifesting on slips of paper and put them in the box. This is always something I write in the present tense and works a lot like the affirmations.

  • Reiki Requests - I tend to forget things unless I write them down. So instead of trying to remember a bunch of requests or people that I’ve said I would send Reiki to, I put them into my Reiki Box. I write down their name, the request, and draw any symbols on the paper that I feel make sense. Then I add it to the box.

    • I even do this for my future or past self. If there’s an event coming up that you want to send Reiki to, put it on a note and add it to your Reiki Box. Set it and forget it!

  • Special Symbols/Objects - The list is limitless. Maybe it’s a special key, a carved figure of an animal, money, or even a lottery ticket! I’ve had all of those things in my Reiki Box at one point or another. Sometimes it’s to show respect and send Reiki to the object, sometimes it’s to clear the object of any lingering energy, and sometimes it’s just to help manifest an outcome.

Cleaning & Maintenance

It’s important to keep the energy fresh and moving.

I review all items in the box at least once a month, more if it gets a little crowded.

I find that it works really well to time it with the Full Moon. 🌝

This is already a time of releasing and peak fulfillment energy, so I take the day before the Full Moon to review anything that’s in the box.

If it’s still pertinent, then I leave it in. If it’s done, then I remove and release it.

Some people (like me), set requests on fire to fully release their energy. 🔥

Other people like to rip them up and bury them. 

Whatever your standard releasing process is, you can use it here.

Reiki Box Time

You’ve decorated your box, you’ve loaded it with special objects and requests, so how do you actually use it?

The easiest is to fit it into your routine, however you see fit.

I used to send Reiki to the box in the morning during my meditations, now I’ve moved it into my nightly Reiki routine.

When and how is less important than just actually doing it.

As always, the steps below are an outline, trust what your intuition guides you to do.

  1. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and connect to Reiki.

  2. Put your hands on the Reiki Box and visualize the flow of Reiki through you and into the box (just like if you were giving Reiki to any other object or person)

    • Travel Tip: If you can’t take your Reiki Box with you, you can always use distance Reiki on it, just like you would anything else.

  3. Draw, say, or visualize any symbols that you’ve been attuned to that your intuition guides you to use.

    • You can draw them with your finger on the top, sides, or anywhere on the box. Trust your intuition.

  4. Close your Reiki practice, ground yourself in the moment, and open your eyes.

Spend as much or as little time as you are guided to on this.

There are some nights that I spend 15 minutes sending Reiki to my box.

And sometimes it’s as little as 60 seconds. 

The Reiki will flow where it needs to go, just like in a normal Reiki session.

The Reiki Box helps you to manifest your goals and to streamline the distance Reiki process.

If you’re looking for a little extra help in setting up your Reiki Box or have other questions, let me know!

The Reiki Box is one of the many tools we use in the Reiki Reboot to help you get connected with your daily Reiki practice.

If you’re curious about the Reiki Reboot, text me! (‪602-492-3795‬) Email works too 🤗 [email protected]

Let’s chat and see if it’s a good fit for you.