Your Year Ahead Spread

Review your year ahead with a tarot spread šŸ”®

I admit, Iā€™m not the best planner.

Itā€™s a skill Iā€™m working on and continue to improve every day.

Since my brain doesnā€™t ā€œlikeā€ to plan, I pull tarot into the mix.

My brain loves to tarot.

Any good business owner takes time to plan out the year ahead. This allows them to choose what initiatives and project to focus on.

Rather than letting myself get into the weeds (like I have a habit of doing), I like to get an overview so that I know how to respond when needed.

If youā€™ve already tried the ā€œQuarter Aheadā€ spread, this one will sound quite familiar.

The big difference being that this is for the entire year ahead.

When I was first exploring what kinds of services to offer, I found a ā€œCalendar Tarotā€ course online.

It got me started on the right path to creating my own updated spread.

So I started that next January and did a full year ahead.

It was helpful for the year and I definitely noticed some themes that came true from the card pull.

But I felt like something was missing from it and it wasnā€™t quite dialed in to me.

I noticed that as I was reviewing the months as they passed, that it didnā€™t quite ā€œclickā€.

The months felt incongruent and starting over on the 1st of each month felt too rigid.

Around October of that year, I noticed that the Sun was about to move into my first house (using the Tropical Placidus system).

It felt like a second birthday!

Like a new year for me.

It was at that moment that I thought about altering the ā€œyear aheadā€ to start on my astrological new year.

It felt more personalized. It felt more connected. It felt more in tune with me.

So I tried it.

The first difficulty was figuring out how an ephemeris works. šŸ˜…

Let me tell you, that unless you are very mathematical, an ephemeris can be a very scary looking tool. (Itā€™s harmless, but I also like math, so Iā€™m a little biased.)

So I took a blank natal chart and started to fill in the houses and the dates that the Sun would be moving into that house.

Already I felt more connected.

I started pulling cards for each house and then seeing how that would fit into that time frame.

It still mostly aligned with the months, but it had a more rhythmic feel to it.

It was personalizedā€¦ To me!

I even noticed that my natal planets played a role in the reading.

Everything clicked and I was noticing things about my chart that I hadnā€™t noticed before.

It not only allowed me to predict some of my year ahead, but taught me more about myself.

If you try it, I encourage you to just take it one card at a time.

The Year Ahead Spread

  1. Schedule an hour into your calendar (at least) when the Sun is in your 12th (or even 1st) house

    • I find thatā€™s the best time to plan the next year out. When the previous is ending or the new one is just starting.

  2. Grab all your supplies

    • Ephemeris for the next 12 months

    • Tarot cards

    • Notebook & pens

    • Blank natal chart (download here or buy the journal)

    • Incense, candles, music, crystals, etc

  3. Open your sacred space

  4. Journal about the previous year.

    • Make any points of where you feel thanks, regrets, accomplishments, or anything else that stands out in your mind.

    • Congratulate yourself for another year beautifully lived.

    • Review your journal for any key points if you keep one

  5. Fill in the dates that the Sun will be in each house

  6. Now shuffle your deck until you feel ready to start pulling.

  7. When youā€™ve stopped shuffling, pull the card on the bottom of the deck. 

    • This is your overall theme of the year. 

    • Write it down in the center of the chart.

    • Set it in front of you so you can see it as you pull the rest of the cards.

  8. Now pull from the top of the deck, 1 card for each house.

    • Donā€™t worry about interpreting right now, just pull each card and make a note of it on your chart.

  9. Take the theme card and spend some time journaling about how that could apply to your year and how that might affect the months ahead.

  10. Review the card for the 1st house and see how it might apply to that time period.

    • This is the real fun part. Get creative.

    • What themes stand out? Does it make you excited? Nervous?

    • How does this card apply to the themes of your first house?

    • How does the card's meaning change when viewed through the filter of the sign of your first house?

    • Do you have any planets in your first house? How might that alter the meaning of the card?

  11. Repeat the last step for each of your houses.

  12. Take a look at the overall spread and journal out any patterns or feelings you have when looking at the entire year.

    • Are there mostly major or minor arcana? How many court cards?

    • What suits are most prevalent?

    • What are you most excited about? What are you nervous about?

  13. Ask your guides for any final notes that you might have missed.

  14. Give thanks for the information.

  15. Close your sacred space.

  16. Get up and move around.

My first word of warning is that this can be a little overwhelming to do all at once.

So if you need to take a few breaks, get up and stretch and come back to it.

The first one I did took me a few days to work through simply because I started to get overwhelmed with information.

So take breaks, stretch, move, you donā€™t have to do it all at once (unless you have the time and energy for it.)

The next caveat is that this is a planning tool. The future is never set in stone.

Sometimes the cards show a warning and you avoid a negative outcome. Sometimes the cards show something that youā€™ve mismanaged and have to deal with.

The future is always able to change, so make the right decisions today to create the future you want.

You can go as deep or as shallow as you want with this spread.

There are some years/months that Iā€™m super detailed and some that Iā€™m pretty high level overview.

Go with what your intuition is guiding you towards. Thatā€™s the only way you know itā€™s right.

I donā€™t offer the Year Ahead spread as a product anymore, but I do offer guided workshops on the topic.

If youā€™re interested in getting some 1 on 1 time or attending a workshop, let me know!