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Real Life Office Reiki
Real Reiki practices you can use in your office on Monday đź—„
I’m in the office 5 days a week.
At 8 hours a day that makes for a solid 40 hours in a confined space with my coworkers.
I figure, if I’m going to be spending that much time in one place, I ought to be doing some Reiki there.
No, I’m not talking about setting up a table and offering Reiki sessions to my coworkers (although that’s not a terrible idea… 🤔).
I’m talking about all the other little ways that I can use Reiki throughout my day.
Sometimes it’s big things, but most days it’s the little “in between times” that I throw some Reiki around to make my day better.
Reiki Shield Aura (RSA)
Every morning starts with the RSA before I even get into the office.
I get all powered up before I leave home so that I know I’ve got the energy to handle whatever comes my way.
Not only does the RSA help my energy, but I can tell when other people come to me for a little bit of Reiki as well.
The RSA allows me to share energy with people, simply by sharing space with them.
Food, Water, & Coffee
Of course I’m going to give some Reiki to my food before I eat it.
Whether it’s during my lunch break or just grabbing a snack that someone brought in, I give it a little hit of Reiki before it goes in my mouth.
The same applies to water and coffee.
I do this a few ways.
First, I like to draw CKR on the coffee pot and on the water fountain.
I draw it and energize it with the intention that it gives me energy and that the energy is shared with anyone that wants it.
Second, I visualize the water pouring into my bottle going through a filter of Reiki.
This energizes the water (or coffee) as it goes into my cup.
Finally, I Reiki the cup as I hold it in my hands.
It’s a quick 3-step process that I use every day to share Reiki with myself.
The Building
I like to spend my breaks outside and will take that time to send Reiki to the building itself.
Sometimes I’ll put my hands directly on the building to send it Reiki, other times I’ll use HSZSN to send it over a distance.
I send Reiki to the physical structure, but also the spirit of the building.
You’ll notice that as you do it more, the building will share energy back with you.
It will also let you know where to focus your energy when needed.
There have been times I’m surprised at where in the building needs Reiki, but I trust my intuition.
Then I will usually swing by that area to validate and let my RSA do some extra work.
It’s amazing how accurate this can be and how it changes based on the customers, the staff, and even the cleaning crew!
Who doesn’t love a stressful meeting??
And even if it’s a good meeting, it can still feel like a waste of time.
Reiki is a great way to boost the energy and the mood of any meeting.
If you’re ever caught in an energy draining meeting, throw a little Reiki into the mix.
Maybe people are getting a little heated, I visualize CKR on my heart chakra and then expand that energy to the whole room.
(The RSA works really well for this too!)
You’ll notice the energy of the room increase and everyone’s attitudes tend to decrease.
Or maybe everyone is starting to lose focus because the meeting has been really information heavy.
Visualize SHK spinning in the center of the room and showering the whole place with Reiki energy.
I notice that people tend to get more focused at this point and the meeting can rally to end on a high note.
If you have the meeting on a schedule and know it’s coming up, use HSZSN to send some extra energy to it in the future.
You can call it good there, or for an added bonus, make a point to receive that same Reiki during the actual meeting time.
The double hit of Reiki makes for an easy, high energy meeting the day of.
Any time something breaks, Reiki is the first tool I reach for.
Computers, printers, cars, locks, safes, doors, chairs, or standing desks, there’s never a shortage of things that Reiki will help repair.
Sure, it’s usually a short term fix, but at least it gets to the point that you can finish your task and get a repair person called.
I use that list because it’s literally all the different types of things I’ve used Reiki on in the office to get an extra couple hours of use out of an item.
Then by that time, the technician is there and can actually resolve the problem for you.
It’s comical the amount of times I’ve been able to fix something with a little bit of Reiki.
The person you’re helping is always super thankful and laughs at how simple it can be.
Just Try It
As I teach in my Reiki classes, Reiki doesn’t have to be a big complicated ritual.
It can be done in the little moments “in between”.
It can be used as a quick tool to help you regulate your own nervous system, boost your energy, and help the environment.
So try it out on your next shift.
Add a little Reiki to your work day and see how much easier the day goes by.
If you’re looking for more ideas or a more customized solution, let me know!
The Reiki Reboot is a 1 on 1 coaching program where we work together to bring Reiki into every area of your life.
Coaching, accountability, and some new ideas are all you need to get your practice jump started and energized.