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- Reiki for... Buildings
Reiki for... Buildings
Add a little building Reiki to your practice!
One of my favorite parts of Reiki is that you’re only limited by your imagination.
A good way to use Reiki is to help clear the energy of a space.
You can also take Reiki up a notch by sharing Reiki with a whole building!
Whether it’s a house, an apartment, a department store, a skyscraper, or your office, you can send it Reiki.
It might seem a little weird at first, but every building has its own energy.
So it makes sense that buildings would enjoy some Reiki.
It started with my apartment.
My Reiki teacher made a comment during class that I love, and I’ve since started using -
“Reiki your space as often as you’re cleaning the toilet.”
(That time frame is pretty open to interpretation, so do with that what you will 😂 🚽 )
With that in mind, I Reiki my apartment about once a week.
I also clear the energy of my office about once a month.
(The toilets get cleaned way more often than that, but janitorial duties aren’t technically in my job description.)
During one of these cleanings, the spirit of the building came to me and asked for Reiki for the entire building.
My first thought was whoa, I’m not sure I can do a whole building!
And then I remembered part of the lesson from Reiki II with HSZSN and that Reiki is outside of time and space…
If Reiki is outside of space, then that implies that size has no limit.
Interesting side note, part of my Reiki I practice is to send Reiki into the Earth, which never feels overwhelming. And part of my Reiki II practice is to send Reiki to disaster sites, which can sometimes feel overwhelming, but never with doubt.
So I fully realized my doubt over the process was some type of Ego issue.
I set that aside, placed both hands on the wall, and sent Reiki to the entire office building.
The results were pretty noticeable.
The first day, everyone had a way better attitude and several maintenance issues went away.
Even some of the strained relationships between departments seemed to be a little better.
I could feel the energy of the building to be calmer and more grounded.
A few days later, I was outside on a my lunch break when the building asked for more Reiki.
This time, I put my hands on the outside of the wall, and did a full Reiki session on the building.
I could feel the energy spiraling around the walls and being pulled to where it was needed.
The entire office had recently gone through a remodel and some of the departments that had moved weren’t quite hitting their sales goals.
I asked the building if there was anything I could do to help and immediately got the vision of a Feng Shui Bagua map laid out over the building.
Being the 1-liner that I am (Human Design), I did a little research, found a floor plan for the building, and applied the Bagua map over it.
Based on the remodel, there were a few issues with some of the newly formed sections.
I spent some extra time with those sections and empowered the energy of those areas with a few hidden crystals.
Little by little, those departments that had been struggling, started to get closer to their goals.
They still haven’t quite recovered to their pre-remodel numbers, but it’s continuing to improve.
Ready to try it for your building?
Building Reiki
Start by asking permission from the building.
Close your eyes and simply ask. You’ll get an intuitive push yes or no.
If it’s a no, then trust that nudge and don’t continue. You might ask some probing questions or even pull a tarot card to see why it’s a no.
Respect the answer, whatever it is.
If it’s a yes, connect to Reiki and go “Reiki on”
Invite in any Reiki guides or spirit guides you work with
If possible, make a physical connection to the building
Just like with human Reiki, a physical connection helps but is not necessary.
Put your hands on the walls, on the floor, or anywhere you can on the building.
Send Reiki
Trust your intuition
You could just send it to the whole building!
Or maybe there’s a specific floor or meeting room that needs a little extra energy.
When the building is done, give thanks for the opportunity, then go “Reiki off”.
Journal any important insights or intuitive hits that you get.
During one of these sessions, I actually found a maintenance issue with one of the toilets in the building!
Most times, you can quickly validate an issue by attempting to use that part of the building.
In my case, the building showed me that one of the toilets wasn’t flushing correctly.
So I went to that bathroom and attempted to flush the toilet.
It didn’t work, so I filled out a maintenance request and it was fixed the next day!
You’ll be surprised at how talkative buildings can be.
The important thing is to go into it with an open mind.
You might not receive any messages the first or even the 100th time - just like in human Reiki!
But also like with any Reiki, it’s flowing exactly where it needs to go.
I’ve now included Building Reiki into my breaks and lunches.
I have a snack, walk around the building, and then put my hands on the outside and send Reiki to it.
It’s honestly made my relationship with work in general much more satisfactory.
Building Reiki is one of the many tools I use to keep an active connection with Reiki every day.
If you’re interested in learning some more of these tools or if you’re just looking for a deeper connection to Reiki, check out the Reiki Reboot.
Or just email me directly with any questions!